I am astonished that you are hastily shifting like this, deserting Him, who called you by Christ's grace and coming over to another gospel. It simply means that certain individuals are unsettling you they want to distort the gospel of Christ.
Gal. 1:6-7, Moffat)
Sometime this week while exploring my union with Christ I began to feel like I was nothing. It was awful. It was as though a cloud of distortion had settled over me, confusing me into thinking that becoming one with Christ, loosing my life in Him meant that I was completely obliterated. Wait a minute! I kept saying, "Something is not right here!" But it was difficult to find my way through because religious voices kept saying, "You died and your life is hidden . . . " so hidden they implied that you ceased to matter, count, or have a personality. . . . you've lost your personhood they continued. . . . you've completely ceased to exist. . . .
What rot! But it completely ruined my morning! How can I love and serve God if I don't matter, count, exist? Certain individuals (in this instance - demons) were trying to unsettle me, trying to distort the gospel of Christ. The nerve! About this time Pete and I sat down for a cup of coffee and I shared the thoughts and feelings that were going through my head and heart. I said, "I'm having a hard time sorting this out. I just need a scrap of truth. Got something?" Sometimes that's all we need is a shard of truth to cut through the enemy's nonsense. He shared with me what he had been meditating on that very morning:
**Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all, to stand. (Eph. 6:13, RSV)
**Therefore take ye the armour of God, that ye be able to against-stand in the evil day; and in all things stand perfect. (Eph. 6:13, Wycliffe)
**For this reason take [to you] the panoply of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having accomplished all things, to stand. (Eph. 6:13, Darby)
Take to myself the panoply of God????? This is the answer to warfare? What is the panoply of God? What is a panoply period?
Panoply defined:a complete and impressive array; a complete suit of armor; a full, magnificent, splendid, radiant or striking array; something forming a protective covering; turnout, attire, garb, insignia, regalia, raiment; splendid or radiant display.

Jesus, today as I work with my sons in my backyard be glorifed! Let it be like Eden where You clothed Adam & Eve with radiance. Clothe me, cover me, surround inside and out with the fullness of Your radiant strength, the complete majestic regalia of YOU! You are awesome! Your work finished and effective! I walk with You. I garden with you. I teach my sons horticulture and landscaping with You. I'm one with You. How glorious! Even if I'm just hauling dirt around in my backyard. Hey, angel alert on Ravenscroft, perhaps people will get a glimpse of the Living God!
Lisa, when I saw you on Friday evening, I saw you in your regalia. I saw a woman filled with the glory of God, robed in His strength and walking in His assurance. You were elegant and stately. Just to confirm......
ahhh... feels so good to hear and read the Truth!!!
Panoply was my Wordsmith word of the day today. One of the definitions of panoply was "a wide-ranging array of resources." It sent me rushing back to this post of yours - that we can take to ourselves ALL of the wide-ranging resources of God. That there's way more behind us, in us, around us, than just US. We have ALL of his resources. So good.
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