From now on therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once regarded Christ from a human point of view, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 (RSV)
You, however were deprived of life, involved in transgressions and contradiction of His laws, in sins and errors, living merely as members of an age, a universe not under God, but under a power working invisibly in the air as a ruler of the world by means of a spirit, a leaven that handles the minds and souls of those who exist in disobedience. in this condition which you shared with the rest of the blind world, a condition to which are attached all the desires of the flesh, motions of the will, and of thoughts belonging not to the children of God, but to children of the wrath of God, denizens (def: inhabitants) of a misbegotten state --- in such a condition the charity and kindness of God which abound beyond all measure, making continual proof of the compassion and mercy that flow from Him, saved you and me from this death, this subjection to sin. The Christ who reigns so gloriously above all that is averse from him, he gave us life -- for giving is his law, and by a gift we live. (Ephesians 2, St. Paul from the Trenches)
Today, as I face my circumstances, I am challenged again to not view them from a human point of view. but to view them from the alternate universe of the New Creation. Yes, I said, alternate universe. I am no longer orienting my senses to the physical universe of the Old Order, the Old Creation. I have been translated into a brand new universe. I am looking at my life through the lense of believing that Jesus was who He claimed to be. Jesus was sent into the world by the Father on a mission. He accomplished that mission --- and it WAS EFFECTIVE!
When Jesus hung on the Cross he drew me into himself. We became one, as he absorbed my sinful, self-central life into his own. In this act we were both forever altered. We were permanently united in death and resurrection. Now from this place inside Him, my life is Christ-central. The blessing that is on Him permeates my existence. This blessing affects everything. Its "infinite and far reaching, beyond the bounds of all mortal vision" and this blessing is now working overtime to bring every single detail of my life into complete subjection to His rulership --- to the perfection of heaven's purpose on earth. So, that's how I am. I am coming into complete alignment with Christ, every detail, every circumstance, every relationship, every dollar, every day.
Believing is now what I do - its my job, my work as a New Creation. So, how's your job going these days?
Your teaching Sunday, the podcasts you recently developed, this blog posting...they are challenging me in a powerful way. The radical nature of living a Christ-central life, not an I-central life, is truly another universe. It's the only way to freedom.
I love you!
Thanks, Honey. What an adventure, walking this new and living way! It gives significance to 2.5 hours of doing the dishes today! (Note: to those not presently living in the Dresser household - our hot water heater is on the fritz and so you have to boil the water and do it "camping style")
Hello, I listened to the sermon on Sunday and I was wondering if our effort to believe could become unhealthy because we are trying to believe. Could our effort to believe become witchcraft like Galations 3:1-3? Couldn't our human effort to believe God become the same as our effort to pray, read the Bible, fast etc.? What's the differance?
Good questions! I'm not an expert on witchcraft so I couldn't help you here (smile). No, seriously, if we take a good look at the problem with the Galations we can see that they were "bewitched" or fooled into achieving with human effort something that began in the Spirit and could only be sustained by Him. Their efforts to "add to" the work of the Cross through the observance of religious rituals, rights, days etc. caused them to come under the control of a demonic presence. The main symptom --- they had NO JOY.
When asked by the crowds, "What must we do to do the works of God" Jesus replied, "This is the work of God that you believe on the One whom He has sent (implied: Himself)." Believing someone is something that comes through trust. Trusting comes through really knowing someone. It took the disciples several years of walking with Jesus to really believe that He came from the Father. My believing that Jesus is who He says He is comes from my personal knowledge of Him. I trust him through and through.
It doesn't feel like a strain - or something that is coming from my effort, although there are points where I need to "turn my mind". For instance today while doing the dishes I was listening to NPR reports about GM bankruptcy, plant closings and the possibility of 20% unemployment by this time next year. As I was listening at different points I could feel the anxiety of the hosts (Detroiters) beginning to seep into me. At that point I just began focusing on my oneness with Jesus, and that He is in control, that no matter what the future holds He and I will walk through it together . . . it was a conversation. One in which I communicated complete trust, dependence, surrender to Him and He communicated peace that goes beyond understanding.
It wasn't hard, it didn't require a lot of effort. I suppose if it was something that I was trying to impose on a renegade mind it would be difficult, but it is something that is coming up from the core of who I am - like breathing. Sometimes I'm breathing a little harder because I'm exercising or something, but its never really an effort.
The Christ-centered life is my "default mode" because it's who I am as a New Creation. Believing, although my work, is done from a posture of oneness and truly experiencing His presence. Its not hard from that place. The light, sweetness and joy I experience here is my treasure --- knowing Him is my delight.
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