I was talking with someone today who was sharing real victories concerning understanding the truth of the gospel, our union with Christ and specifically how "the New Man is not just the Old Man repressed. " After we talked for a bit they said, "I understand it, I believe it, but how do I get this to work in my day-to-day life?" On the spur of the moment I explained that it was less like a formula or checking off a "to do list" and more like breathing in and out. Out of the state of union with Christ, we as brand new creatures breathe in His nature and breathe it out as our character. It was a sincere and honest question, one that has had me in reflection mode ever since.
The issue is control. Who is in control here? I am amazed at how much the Lord wants us to let go of control, to let go of our agenda
for Him in our lives.
Even when it comes to the expression of the full character of the New Nature we are still not in control! Often I think that when we look at our lives our perspective is different than the Lord's. His priorities for us differ from ours, or at least His time table for "addressing what when". I find that often He has an indirect holistic approach to life - when we just want an answer NOW!

I've been doing a lot of gardening this summer. I have also been passing along these skills to my fourteen year old son. He is learning to identify weeds and "friendly plants" from their leaves, long before they bloom or seed, and I am teaching him to deal with weeds. Last year the concept of not just "snapping the weed off" but getting out the full root was lost on him. Hence the weeds were a continual problem. This year he is more mature, and ready to deal with the weeds in a different way. Sometimes that's the way I think we treat the Lord. We want this weed out NOW! Whether its an answer to a question, a financial or physical miracle or a change in our character. We find ourselves praying prayers like, "I NEED MORE PATIENCE NOW! Why am I still struggling with all this anxiety if I'm a new creation? Why? Why? WHY? Am I doing something wrong???!!! What do I do? What? what? why? what?"
The Lord, in response waters us and says feed your mind, and soul on the truth. "But what about the weed, Lord??" we fixate, "Can't we just snap it off? Wouldn't that be easier? faster?" But He says, "No, marinate your mind and emotions in this, just believe it, breathe it in" . . .
. . .that you have put off once for all with reference to your former manner of life the old self who is being corrupted according to the passionate desires of deceit; moreover, that you are being constantly renewed with reference to the spirit of your mind; and that you have put on once for all the new self who after God was created in righteousness and holiness of truth. (Eph. 4:22-24 Wuest)
You died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory (Col. 3, NIV)

How can meditating and praying into, breathing in, receiving a truth change our character in the day to day? How can it cause us to lose our temper less? to have less anxiety? As we focus on the truth, trust that what Jesus did was effective,
simply believe --- even if the "whoosh" doesn't come in that moment and we are still dealing with knots in the stomach, or the fact that we've lost it once again with a defiant toddler or teenager,
somehow all on its own the gospel is working. Believe that God with His own energy is working inside us, changing us. That the gospel is effective in dealing with the sin of the Old Man, completely, perfectly. As we focus here it is like the rain (or the sprinkler) softening the ground all around the problem weed. Suddenly while focusing on the truth we find that the weed is gone. We look back and say, "Wow, I'm different than I used to be. I no longer feel pressure to perform and so the anxiety has lost its grip, and is simply not an issue." Or we begin to see the full picture of what's happening in our children, receiving God's insight into their development, receiving His authority and confidence and so we no longer lose our temper, but walk in true authority.
When we cooperate with God in His process those weeds that we were obsessed about are gone! It feels so natural to act as the New Creation --- and it is!
It is who we are. We find that we are now believing in the One whom God has sent --- believing that the work of the Cross was effective, and its now penetrating all levels of our personalities, family systems and circumstances. We are just not in control of how, when and where the breakthrough comes. But surely as the sun rises it will come!
thanks for this Pastor Lisa! God is in control and our wanting things to happen when and how we want them to is just another idol in our lives...
MDCC Cross Talk is the best thing to come out on the web in some time!
Well said! I was just thinking about this last night. The Gospel does its own work in us and for us and I'm so thankful. Embracing the Cross is Brave,yes, but it is also the greatest place of working power and strength to overcome. I can pull on the Lord's strength in me to face a challenge, and I can also come to this place of Divine Death where Love conquered all and crumble to my knees when I 'feel' the weakest. I love the Cross. His death is my life.--Melissa
Very encouraging. Thank you, Pastor Lisa. I have been hungering after and praying to go deeper in my experiential understanding of my union with Christ. I have been waiting for the "woosh", the "kapow", the deep, heavy, life-changing revelatory experience that knocks me off my feet...and it hasn't come yet! It is good to remember that I am not in control of when/how it will come. I can breathe in my union with Christ and rest, full of expectancy, knowing that it will come- surely as the sun rises!
Lisa, this is so good, and so where I'm at (obviously). Thank you - will continue digesting over the next few days. But it's really, really good.
How true! In my overscheduled week (wanna just slap myself on the forehead!) I have been tempted to come under the same illusion as the Galatians, thinking that it is by "doing" and adhering to certain patterns of behaviour that I will come into the new revelation that I need and desire. How silly!
The cross and the gospel is a complete work and message, with nothing to be added.
It is very encouraging to me today to be reminded that this gospel is working with great energy within me, all on it's own, with no help from me! I believe in you Jesus, and your great power!
Wow... This is very helpful. I need to let this marinate in my soul for a bit..
Wow. That word is so timely, and pierces through my fog and confusion likt a laser.
What a revelation it is to see that MY agenda for God's work in my life is not HIS agenda for what He wants to root out and what he wants to spring forth.
Simply believing is the most bold, crazy, scary thing we can do, isn't it? Like riding a rollercoaster with no hands ...
I just blogged about the roller coaster of believing at http://blogger.dannug.com/2009/06/roller-coasters.html
Tophe's post about the roller coaster of believing is worth reading. Check out his link in the comment above.
Grande posted some pictures of Felicity on Facebook today. There is one of her asleep.(I'm thinking she is in her car seat.) There is such rest, such peace, such shalom that radiates from her place of safety and security. As I looked at this picture, my spirit stilled. I breathed in the reality of my rest in the work of the cross. I breathed in my hiddeness. I allowed God's work to have it's way in me. I am so glad that God is my gardener, removing weeds in my character, in my thinking, in my response to him with such lovely things like pictures of Felicity, or words from a scripture passage, or the wind at Sunday's picnic or meditations breathed out in a blog!!! God is always working and his presence is indeed everywhere! Our only work is to receive as we with open heart believe.
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