Nancy, our new Chinese friend, retorted with a funny song of her own: “
“No, Nancy,” he said with very sober authority. “You were born in
My mind immediately drifted to the scriptures. I thought of 1 Peter 1:23:
“You have been regenerated (born again), not from a mortal origin (seed, sperm), but from one that is immortal by the ever living and lasting Word of God. (AMP)
I thought about what it means to be born again. Born from above. With paternity established by and from the Father of Eternity. Not of a natural seed, but born and regenerated supernaturally from The Word of God, The Gospel-- the most powerful seed in the universe. This Seed is so powerful, it is able to destroy what we used to be and raise us up again to be another—belonging to Another.
“Likewise, my brethren, you have undergone death as to the Law through the [crucified] body of Christ, so that now you may belong to Another, to Him Who was raised from the dead in order that we may bear fruit for God.” (Romans 7:4 AMP)
No parent in the world can produce a son or daughter that is Holy in their own ability. You could fast all you want and pray the most holy prayer you can muster up, but it still won’t make this new person Holy. At some point, this little person is going to have to face a very real choice:
“To remain in this mortal state of creation--with a mind, will, and emotions, open to the supernatural forces of evil—or receive the Ul
This Seed is the very Gospel itself. The only, very only, remedy for a soul subjected to sin.
If someone came into my garden and handed me a flower-- a beautiful flower full of fantastic aroma; however, it was completely infested with worms, gnats, and deadly plant fungus---would I be wise to receive this into my garden?
No way! I would put that rancid thing in the fire where it belongs, so that nothing would be left of it to infect the rest of my garden. I would want to make certain that there is NOTHING LEFT of this corrupted thing to infect the other living plants in my garden. The only answer would be to completely destroy the plant. Even though the flower still held some sort of beauty, in its corrupted, infested state, it would only be able to produce evil in my garden. God created it to be beautiful, but it was infested from germination with fungus that attracted all sorts of nasty creatures and infections throughout its life. There is no hope for it now, except complete destruction. To rid this plant of its own life would be the only merciful thing to do. How horrible it would be to allow it to flourish in an infested state in my garden. Slowly giving itself over to fungus, and worms, that only stay to destroy. It would be better to see it burn in the fire than to keep on living in torment.
This is what happened to Nancy, Me, and everyone else that has found themselves at the precipice of the ages—to receive The Seed, or not to receive The Seed. The Seed I am talking about is the ul
You see, the old
In Jesus’ bleeding, tortured body,
Ephesians 2:1-10 describes our former, mortal condition:
“You however were deprived of life, involved in transgressions and contradiction of the law, in sins and errors, living merely as members of an age, a universe not under God, but under a power working invisibly in the air as ruler of the world by means of a spirit, a leaven that handles the minds and souls of those who exist in disobedience. More condition which you shared with the rest of the blind world, a condition to which are attached all the desires of the flesh, motions of the will and thoughts, belonging not to the children of God, but the children of the wrath of God, denizens of a misbegotten state.”
This is the condition of our former self, our unregenerate, human self. Our sinful nature was not unlike that corrupted beautiful flower I described in the analogy above. We were totally infested with sin and misbegotten from germination.
Jesus, in the most insurmountable act of love the world will ever know, stepped out of a
Instead, The very Author of our salvation—Jesus Christ-- allowed Himself to be treated like that flower from my garden story. Although He had known no sin, was conceived by The Holy Spirit, He allowed Himself to be exterminated like a sin-infested thief and evil transgressor. He allowed Himself to be publicly scorned, despised, and rejected—like an infested plant worthy of being thrown into the fire. Why would He do such a thing?
Jesus Christ, our Savior and King, was doing more than what the public eye could see that day. He was accomplishing all things, in and throughout all the ages, in and outside of
No, Jesus Christ, for the joy set before Him, endured the full penalty of the Wrath of God and the punishment for all the sins of humanity on the Cross. The full penalty! But not without first drawing all men---ALL MEN—in their unregenerate, sinful, evil-infested state, fully into Himself. It was there, He fully united Himself in a feverish punishment, with a broken humanity that could never save itself from out of the corruption in which they could never find relief. The only solution was the perfect sacrifice of Himself, encompassing all of humanity’s broken and unregenerate condition in His own body, and bringing both to a perfect end together. He united Himself to humanity in a perfect union in death.
But He didn’t stop there! Not only did He deliver the ul
Although the world did not recognize and receive this Heavenly Seed from the Father when He came, Jesus received us into His body while he died and identified fully with our evil, sin nature. He did this, so that we could escape the judgment and wrath the world is under because of sin. Instead, he, by taking us in his own body through this death, caused us to enter the most
This rest is the ul
So, yes,
Nancy, me, and anyone else who receives This Seed, will find themselves embracing the most awesome and merciful death the world ever needed to solve their sin condition. We who receive this death, receive a complete and total and final destruction of who we use to be and we trade it all in for the gift of being created anew through the supernatural rebirth through the Son of God—Jesus Christ.
“For if we have become planted together to the likeness of his death, [so] also shall be of the rising again; this knowing, that our old man was crucified with [him], that the body of sin may be made useless, for our no longer serving the sin; for he who hath died has been set free from the sin. And if we died with Christ, we believe that we also shall live with him.” (Romans 6: 5-8, Young’s Literal Translation)
Our Father made us in heaven. When we received His eternal seed, The Word, we received His sacrifice for us. We no longer belong to the world under wrath. We belong to Another. We are registered as citizens of Heaven—registered with the very blood of the Lamb. Our paternity has been established in the Father of all Life and Eternity. Our tes
Eloquent, powerful, clear, identity-establishing.
I love how Jesus speaks through children. So beautiful!
I love Jeremiah's thinking (and his songs!) :) Practical theology through the lens of childlike faith.
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